christmas in bangkok–new years in chiang mai

“i often think about the world in which we live today

all the animals and plants and nature’s gifts set on display

but the most amazing thing that i’ve seen every time

are all the different people, and all their different minds”         —–no doubt


chiang rai flowers


My holiday began with a night bus to Bangkok to see some TEFL friends!


Besides the “thrill” of (no joke) a Thai slasher horror film being played for the first two hours, I slept for most of the trip, and was awoken by a beautiful sunrise. Night buses and night trains are great for a couple of reasons–you don’t lose a day traveling that could be spent exploring; you don’t have to pay for a night’s accommodation; and you get awoken by a sunrise in a new place. In addition, bus and train travel allow you to see so much of a country. Thailand varies greatly by province, just as the United States varies by state. Yet even between different countries, some things are universal…like Facebook.

calla lilies

flashin the john face---photo by jenna holmes

flashin the john face—photo by jenna holmes


I arrived in Bangkok on Christmas Eve morning, and spent some time exploring the familiar city. I stayed in the beautiful and hip-happening Silom district, and met up with a friend to walk around some markets. That evening, a group of TELF peeps united on the rooftop of a friend’s apartment. The 360 degree view of the city was incredible, the air was clean, the weather was mild, and the beers were cold. We had an awesome time catching up, and it was great to be together again.


on the roof--photo by jenna holmes

on the roof–photo by jenna holmes





On Christmas Day, I had lunch with friends before my train left that evening. We explored some of the Indian/Hindu section of the city, and enjoyed some amazing food! For the most part, Bangkok was pretty festive. Music, decorations, and lights adorned many public places and conveyed some Christmas spirit. But Christmas for me primarily means family, so I must say it didn’t feel much like Christmas. Besides the excellent company of my TEFL friends, and speaking to some family members via skype, the day passed much like any other. Which is to say, it was wonderful!




That night I journeyed to Laos, where I spent the next three days, eventually taking the night bus back to Thailand on the 29th. I met some Aussie girls on my way to the bus station, and we had an excellent journey in the classiest sleeper bus I’ve ever seen. I’m talking movie theater seats, with 150 degree recline and massagers, a thick comforter blanket, and a plethora of snacks. It was quite a comfy journey!

bangkok-laos-chiag mai 237

chiang mai street


chiang mai tuk tukAnd what a lovely treat to wake up in Chiang Mai, not only because I love the city, but also because I hoped to meet up with some friends from the States. One, Michael, has been teaching in Indonesia, and the other, Caitlin, who I know from middle school, is also teaching in Thailand. I also reunited with a friend from the farm, Jennifer.





Chiang Mai was packed with people, and beautiful decorated and festive. On New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, the temples are jammed with people making offerings and prayers for 2013. The streets were just as crazy! As soon as the sun set, market stands consumed the streets and sidewalks. The hub of the celebration was Thaphae Gate, crowded with food stalls and a massive stage of live performers. Along the moat that runs underneath the gate, hundreds of people were lighting lanterns to send into the sky. Fireworks were going off along the moat, in the square, and in the distance. As midnight approached, I met up with Caitlin, and we found a seat along the moat where we could watch all the action. The clear, dark sky was filled with illuminated lanterns and eventually, fireworks. It was quite a gratuitous display of light and sound, and we had some of the best seats in the house. Shortly before midnight, Jennifer joined us, we got some beers, and stayed in our perfect seats until after midnight.

one of my faves--chedi luang

one of my faves–chedi luang

There was no countdown or announcement from the stage nearby as the new year began. Our indication of 2013 was the enormous release of masses of fireworks all around us. More noise than the 4th of July, more lanterns than Loy Krathong–this was truly a celebration.

our new year's eve view on the moat---photo by caitlin dunn

our new year’s eve view on the moat—photo by caitlin dunn


And then we danced!

dance. baby

New Years Day was equally wonderful. I met up with Michael and we wandered around the city visiting some temples. We visited some of my favorites, which were again packed with people. It was wonderful to see him and catch up. Then we grabbed dinner and had a beer at a rooftop bar which overlooks the Thaphae Gate square, looking like a library compared to the scene the night before.

chiang mai


calendar flags


calendar flags


bangkok-laos-chiag mai 275

The next day it was time to leave Chiang Mai! But first I had a wonderful coffee date with Caitlin and a delicious brunch with Michael. It was absolutely amazing and surreal to see Caitlin and Michael on the other side of the world. Great times with great people!

glorious temple


Now I’m back in my apartment in Chiang Rai. School begins on January 7th, and I’m very excited to begin teaching!

I hope you all had wonderful holidays! Happy New Year!

the view from my house

the view from my house

the view from my house

the view from my house





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