about the panda

“i went to the woods because i wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if i could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when i came to die, discover that i had not lived”                     —-henry david thoreau

Living with an Italian family beginning April 2014!

Taught English to Kindergarteners in Thailand, fall 2012-summer 2013!


Feeling grateful for every day. Seeking the good and the positive. Loving. Respecting the earth and living things. Experiencing as much as possible. Trying to be the best I can be.


“i see a world that with love, all beautiful things are possible. and i have a lot of love to give that is much bigger than myself” —-julia butterfly hill

One thought on “about the panda

  1. Hi Kenda! I started following you on this blog…so incredible pictures, so beautiful words, everything makes me feel travelling even if I’m just in the office ^_^ Thank you! Hope to see you soon! Patty

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